10 Tips to Safeguard Your Home
We all know the basics of home security – strong locks, keep the bushes trimmed out front, have neighbors watch over the place, and so on. HouseLogic put together a list of 10 items that burglars don’t want homeowners to know.
Things To Do and Not To Do
- Alarm your second floor and keep ladders locked up. Don’t give thieves a chance to get into the upper floor because it’s less likely it will have an alarm.
- Break down the boxes your new toys came in. Throwing out the boxes so they can be easily seen is just advertising to the wrong people. Break down the boxes and put them in the recycle bins, or put them in trash bags.
- Trim up around the house. Untrimmed bushes can give thieves a place to work without being seen. Keep the bushes trimmed, or plant something with thorns.
- Make the doors more difficult. Use steel or reinforced doors and use deadbolts on hardened frames. Make the thief work for it or find a different way in – preferably one the neighbors can see.
- Reflections. Don’t position mirrors so the alarm panel can be seen from the door or the outside.
- Mow the lawn and pick up. Not keeping up with the grass, letting the newspapers pile up and so forth are just advertising that no one is home. Ask a neighbor to pick up the newspaper and hold the mail with the post office. Make sure someone is mowing the lawn so it looks like someone is home.
- Don’t keep valuables in something that can be easily carried. Invest in a wall safe or find somewhere else to put valuables.
- Don’t talk about vacations until you’re back. Don’t alert your social networks know you’ll be gone. That gives thieves a leisurely time to ransack your house.
- Don’t broadcast your whereabouts. Using geotagging in social applications just lets people know you’re not home and not likely to catch them.
- Don’t invite trouble. Inviting people over to see something you’re selling gives would-be thieves a chance to see how your house is set up – alarm, easy access, etc.
More Information
For more information on these tips, you can find the original article here.